Saturday, June 5, 2010


Saturday, June 5 Today is the Jewish Sabboth. Things are quiet on the streets of Jerusalem. First stop was a place called the "Garden Tomb", which houses what is believed to be Calvery, the place of Jesus crucifixion and the empty tomb where Jesus was buried and where he resurrected from the dead. Next stop was in the "Old City" in East Jerusalem, now controlled by the Palestinians. We stopped at the pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the lame man. We went to the place where Herod's palace used to be where Jesus was sentenced to death. We walked the route that Jesus would have walked to Calvery, carrying his cross. This was called the "Via dolorosa". We visited a catholic church which also claims to be where Jesus was buried. Final stop of the day was Bethlehem. It is a walled city now where only palestinians live, but the Church of the Nativity is there, which claims to have been built over the site where Jesus was born.

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