Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mt. of Olives and Garden of Gethsemene

Our day started at the top of Mt. Olives. It is approx. 3/4 of mile from Jerusalem and provides a great view of the city.
We walked down the mountain the same way Jesus did, to the Garden of Gethsemene. Jesus met his disciples there often and was arrested there. Many of the olive trees in the gardens date back to biblical times. We next went into Jerusalem and visited the Upper Room where Jesus shared a passover meal with his disciples before his arrest. We next visited King David's tomb and the ruins of the temple steps. The temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 a.d. The muselims built a mosque there called the Dome of the Rock, which stands today. We visited a museum today which houses the Dead Sea Scrolls.

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